The Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors this week gave the go-ahead for another car dealership to be built on the outskirts of Turlock, with construction set to begin in the spring.
Fans of Price Ford on Golden State Boulevard will be pleased to hear its owners are expanding into the vacant lot next door with the addition of Price Honda, which was approved by Supervisors on Tuesday with a few caveats. The five-acre parcel will be developed in two phases, with the completion of Phase 1 anticipated within 12 to 14 months of construction’s start in the spring and Phase 2 within the next 10 years.
Despite a development restriction easement on the property which has been in place since 1966 and was supposed to last until 2033, the City of Turlock terminated the restriction and also entered into a tax sharing agreement with the County which will see the City collect 50% of the new dealership’s sales tax revenue and provide both Price Ford and Price Honda’s public sewer and water services. Portions of the sales tax revenue collected from the new Price Honda will be dedicated to future planning, design and construction of the Taylor Road interchange at Highway 99.
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