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water bills

Modesto water bills will rise nearly 25% by 2027. Here are 8 ways customers can save money

in Community/News

The Modesto City Council voted Tuesday evening to boost water rates nearly 25% by 2027.

The average residential bill will go from $67.13 a month now to $83.66 in 2027, a staff report said. Actual charges are much higher in the dry months and lower in other times.

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Modesto water bills could rise about 20% over five years. How do nearby cities compare?

in Community/Government/News

The city of Modesto has kicked off the process of raising water rates by 4.5% annually over five years.

An average home’s monthly bill would go from $67.13 now to $83.66 in 2028 if the proposal goes through, a staff report said. Businesses would have roughly similar hikes.

Under state law, the proposal would die if a majority of customers file protests at or before an Aug. 22 hearing before the City Council.

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