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Students bring a unique perspective to Sept. 11

in Community/People

This weekend marks the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. While most adults have vivid memories of that infamous day, students today were not alive when those events took place and their understanding of the tragic events vary. In Turlock schools, the weeks leading up to the day will be used as an opportunity for remembrance and for students to learn more about the historic event.

9/11 is currently not part of TUSD curriculum, but it does cover the history of first responders and have discussions regarding the day.

“With the 20th anniversary approaching, students are likely to see images or videos on social media and across multiple media sources.  That means children are likely to come to school and want to talk about what they’ve seen. 9/11 is not specifically part of the curriculum, especially for our youngest learners.  They do cover communities and community helpers (fire, police, etc.),” said Chief Communication Coordinator at TUSD Marie Russell.

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