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cash grant

Grant helps Turlock Nursery School get spiffed up

in Community/Government/News

Turlock Nursery School, the oldest such school in Turlock dating back to 1972, is getting a new look.

Turlock Nursery School received an $80,000 grant from the Marin Community Foundation and is using the funds for a new roof; fresh exterior paint; energy-efficient lighting and fans; play-structure repairs and upgrades; tree removal and replacement; and new sidewalks for improved accessibility and safety.

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$25-an-hour tech internships? Here’s how you can get paid to train in Modesto

in business/Employment/News

Want free training for a new career in tech, followed by an internship that pays $25 an hour?

Stanislaus County Workforce Development is using a $5 million grant from the state of California to create a new tech training and paid internship program through Bay Valley Tech, a local coding academy.

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